best resources for generating teespring ideas
teespring is an excellent platform for CPA marketing. often, I’ve found myself at odds when coming up for an idea for tshirt designs, so I’ve compiled a list of resources I use when generating ideas.
using google to monitor teespring
did you know you can also use google to search against the teespring index and match against certain criteria?
- keyword
- inurl:keyword
- intitle:keyword
- “keyword” “50..100 / 50..100 sold”
pretty neat huh?
for example, if I wanted to return campaigns that have sold 50 or more shirts via google, i could type:
- ‘shirt’ ‘50..100 / 50..100 sold’
where the first parameter is your keyword, and the last parameter is a range, matching the ‘0 / 50 sold’ text portion on any teespring campaign.
here is some more information on using filters + operators with google
what’s trending
just shirts
stats, demographics + holidays
feel free to add them to your bookmarks and share any tools + links you use for generating teespring ideas